An absolute nightmare situation!

I feel like an absolute throbber :whatever: for posting this online, however there is little I can do to get it out of my system as there's nowhere where I can just scream at the top of my voice! All abuse welcome!

So, I'm a soldier in the TA and I'm being mobilised for a tour of Afghanistan which departs September this year and my pre deployment training starts at the Mid May (weeks away). This is good news, as it's something I've wanted to do for a while and I'll finally be doing the job for real.

The bad part...

I have fallen for this girl so badly! I feel like I'm 13 again haha, but the worst bit is that I know she feels the same way and just as things are started to go well I'm going to have to sod off for the next 9 months! Can't help thinking that it's going to be playing on my mind while I'm away and I've got no idea what to do!

Not really looking for any advice as it's one of those situations where I'm f*cked but just had to get it out of my system somehow!

God I feel like a pussy ;/
hahha i too am doing afghan in september. and i too, need to not get involved with someone before hand!! lol. puuuuuuuuuuure bad timing for me too :worried: lol.
If you've really fallen for her and she feels the same about you then make the most of it before you go, if things are as good as you think they are then she will be there for you when you return
If you've really fallen for her and she feels the same about you then make the most of it before you go, if things are as good as you think they are then she will be there for you when you return

This. Boring but true.
Ye mate, if you think she feels the same way, make the most of it and see what happens.
It's just pure bad timing, it's been like non stop flirting for the last 3-4 months and only now have we got round to actually seeing each other outside of work and stuff. It's proper sh*t lol.
make the most of it this summer then pal, you might be glad to get away from her come september :wink:
Think of the money you'll save from not paying for dates..........
leaving in September for 9 months you say? Where does she live?

only kiddin, thats a really crap situation, like others say, make the most of it until then.

ps. On tour, do you have a pig wall for all the cheating wifes or is that just in Jarhead?
Get her knocked up before you go and come back just as she's ready to drop... That way you won't have to worry about her being faithful and also, you'll miss out all of the pregnancy mood swings and odd smells hahaha!!! :smile:

In all seriousness though, just enjoy the next few weeks and really show her what she means to you, nice few days out and all that kind of thing. Abscence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.

Good luck in Afghan' by the way, fair play to you (and clio200cup). :wink:
Haha some cracking comments here! Willis, I'm definitely not ready to be a Daddy lol.

Got a date with her tomorrow so will have to see how it goes! Cheers for the replies, it's at least made me laugh :smile:
Enjoy your time with her before you go. If you both feel strongly about each other then im sure it will work out.

Ive been in the navy 3+ years now and not gone anywhere lol :blush: . Im a land based sailor :smiley: . Good luck with the tour of afghan etc.