Amazing night with the scope tonight!


Platinum Member
You may have read my other post about the Orion Nebula I found.

Well, there is one thing I have wanted to see since I was tiny through a telescope.

So tonight, I looked at Jupiter, then Uranus, The Orion Nebula, Betelgeuse - the dying star in the Orion constellation, then I thought that I would give it a go tonight, find the jewel in the crown.

Remembering how I'd found it last week with binoculars with a pro astronomer, I moved the telescope round - brightest star, less bright, dim, then down and accross a little. Turned the focusing knob, and into sharp focus came this:


It really was amazing, that smudge of light is 14696249535525034000 miles away (2.5 million light years). That light I was looking at has taken 2.5 million years to get to my telescope. As I was looking at it, I wondered what was looking back at us, how hundreds of billions of planets are in that galaxy of a trillion stars that is there infront of me.

So that was my month made. I'm happy :smile:
Nice one Mike. It is quite amazing to think what is actually out there looking back at us and perhaps thinking the exact same thing about us!

This your main interest at the moment?
It's always been my favourite thing, ever since i was tiny, my first DVD I bought was the BBC Planet series, still got it now!
Did you not see the northern lights last night then???

Nope he is a southerner :-p

TBH I didn't either, did go out at midnight but too cloudy. Even worse tonight :worried:

Emma is wanting a telescope for her b'day now, which one do you have Mike (I guess you would recommend it?)
Nope he is a southerner :-p

TBH I didn't either, did go out at midnight but too cloudy. Even worse tonight :worried:

Emma is wanting a telescope for her b'day now, which one do you have Mike (I guess you would recommend it?)

Anything Celestron...I have the nexstar 4se CLICKY. You can now get ones that you press a button and it scans the skies and knows where it is - mine you align to any 3 stars (you don't need to know which ones) and it knows where it is.

Make sure if you get a Maksutov-Cassegrain (a reflector telescope) you get 4 inch or bigger otherwise deep space viewing is not as visible!!!
Very cool Mike, I really want a telescope now after reading your threads. :smiley:

This is what really did it for me I think:


I had to have a telescope after seeing this!

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