AB197 / GW200 Grasshopper piton heads meet

GW200 was pulling out a road as i was pulling in, both had windows down, tried to catch your attention but you weren't interested so.... i therefore didn't say hi later on in the evening when you were parked a couple of spaces away or offer help when you were jump starting your car.

AB197 - couldn't see who owned this otherwise id have said hi and given you a forum card.

Certain your both not on here so perhaps you saw my stickers and will join.

blue 182 - came and parked next to the three of us, was behind my friend and I on the way home, drove like a tool... wound my window down and said "hes obvs from cliosport..." as you branched off a different way i saw your rear window and... oh look a CS sticker. Luckily i pulled away from the lights slow, other wise when you tried to swerve round and overtake my mate in the 1 series (just to then cut back across two lanes to join the M25) you would have been pretty close to hitting my car / causing an accident. Perhaps it was to try and impress my gf, it didnt work im afraid.
Alot of the time other RS owners wave/beep me etc. sometime its not as easy but seeing as we had our windows down and virtually face to face I though a wave or hi would have been given. Obvs not just ignored instead.

Ah well.
hey, the blue 197 was mine. i did see you and a few other clios about but didnt see where any of the drivers went, im going to the next one so will make sure i say hi. :smile:
hey, the blue 197 was mine. i did see you and a few other clios about but didnt see where any of the drivers went, im going to the next one so will make sure i say hi. :smile:

Tried to see whos it was but couldn't, think ill be going to the next one too so will look out for you.

Should come along to some of the meets on here, missed out on a brilliant one earlier this month.

Mine was the 200 to the left of your car (if you were looking head on). Probably guessed this as it has the clio200.net stickers on the windows
Thinking about it, was it you who was waving as i drove off? As i left and turned right i saw a random person stand on the decking and waving at me, didnt have a clue who it was so i just waved back as if i knew them :smiley:

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