A-pillar Recover.

Hey all

Got bored at the weekend so finally decided to give this a go, will be doing the C pillar and headliner in summer when theres more day light/time to get it out etc. Might also do the B pillar but they're black anyway. The reason I recovered them is because they have started to look abit dirty, and wanted to keep the black from the dash/seats etc, flowing through the car.

The fabric I used is the same as what comes on the standard seats and other areas in the cars (quick pic)


Im not going to write this out like a how to because its pretty easy. Pull the A pillar from the top... wiggle and jiggle and eventually it will slide out.

Any way, heres the finished results.



And something else that needs sorting =(
my NCB is protected, but will it still affect next years insurance if i claim for a new screen, guessing this won't pass the MOT.

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looks brilliant mate!!,
window fix will not effect your renewal or no claims mate had my 197 done before