197 v 200 at bedford datalog

2.2 seconds sounds an AWFUL lot.

But, EVO is generally a very good source. Might have been one of these ''170'' 197s. :smiley:
I dont doubt it having recently driven them both back to back and having owned a 197 but take it for what it is a cool bit of data logging.

any one else have any thoughts >
Don't believe it. Just aswell anyway, keeping the 200 in front means you can't ever see that van like front end lol :tongueout:
Never driven a 197 but would like to to compare but have sat in a few and a couple out on track. I wouldnt of thought there was THAT much in it either but I'm glad I went for a 200 and either are surprisingly fast around a track!
That much? I biggest pest with the 197s diffuser is no matter what exhaust I have fitted it eventually distorts and one side pokes right out and the other tucks into it. Plus I do like the glossy finish of the 200s

Got a carbon 197 diffuser ATM, not happy with the fitment compared to oem items.
I've heard oem are well expensive, 200 would look better tho mate and you will always get the fitment issue with carbon due to the way its made. Going way off topic so gonna zip it before I get slapped lol
What cars are they? Just says 197 and 200.

With an early 197 and therefore non cup packed car there will be a huge difference between that and a cup packed 200.
anyway back on topic.....

are they both cup chassis cars.....

or is it a 197 and a 200 with cup chassis - it doesnt say!

was it the same driver on the same day?

to do a fair comparison it needs to be done on the same day with the same fuel load and the same driver

do we/have they got that information????

if you look at the trace between 4-5 it looks like the 197 might have had oversteer - its a bit messy is that section...
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