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  1. Beany

    Tyre sizes

    Chonk The rolling radius isn’t the issue the sidewalls will be massive, if your remotely lowered you be rubbing
  2. Beany

    Home Garage Ideas

    The joys of old properties and shit that used to go down.. you shouldn’t have an issue, worse case if anything did happen is just discharge it into water butts.
  3. Beany

    Home Garage Ideas

    That guttering and pipe goes on a right magical mystery tour… Glad you’ve got a nice dry space
  4. Beany

    Hi new here

    welcome aboard
  5. Beany

    Emissions FAIL clarifications

    Panic over… Glad it was just the simple solution in the end!
  6. Beany

    Early non cup 200 suspension advice

    Just get a set of new springs for your set up if that’s not easier ?
  7. Beany

    Exhaust Choices

    Pure motorsport Oreca
  8. Beany

    Emissions FAIL clarifications

    i think you’ve over hit the panic button. If it’s a faulty sensor it’s more than likely trying to over compensate and throw the readings off by running too rich or whatever To say you’re thinking of breaking the car before the cars barely been attempted to be looked at. talking about sports...
  9. Beany

    Somerset LY RS200

    whilst i can’t personally recommend a public day hosted by RMA, I have had a private session run by them and it was lully… Only issue I have / had with MSV is the photography side of it lets it down but the days I’ve had with them have been great. Comes down to personal preference I think...
  10. Beany

    Somerset LY RS200

    I do like the 200’s in LY. The engines are pretty the only good thing in these cars that whilst they struggle to produce decent bhp figures they’re bulletproof if looked after correctly. Hopefully cambelt been done at least twice by now it looks clean. Triggered point but these cars had lots...
  11. Beany

    Emissions FAIL clarifications

    after reading the post I looked on ECP and they ain’t cheap the Bosch ones
  12. Beany

    Emissions FAIL clarifications

    Go with the cheapest option first. Or take it to a tester whose friendly. Most likely a sensor, the cars came from the factory with 2 cats. And they usually pass with one of them in place
  13. Beany

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    You guys buy funnels
  14. Beany

    Clio gear stick size

    Stop being tight and get a ZPO
  15. Beany

    Beanys RB 200 cup

    If you’ve read it all then I can only apologise as I’ve prob bored you to death! Yes as it’s a late model with the smaller top mounts they had to be drilled out. Unsure on size but last checked they weren’t strengthened nor any cracks in the shell.
  16. Beany

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    Another imposter
  17. Beany

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    There’s only one Bean here :)
  18. Beany

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    When’s the interior coming out tho
  19. Beany

    Engine options for a Clio 197

    Meg lump or supercharge are your options for power… or swap for a k20 These engines are shit and are maxed out unless you wanna drop £££
  20. Beany

    Which One ?

    Ps5 would be the option of choice these days but the ps4 are still a good tyre.