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  1. aaron-rs197

    Supercharging Route?

    i had this email from k-tec about a month ago... "Hi Aaron, We hope to have our supercharger kit available towards the end of the year and there are some details of the kit available here: We are just about to test our new ecu which is the...
  2. aaron-rs197

    our albi blue 197

    Yeah i'll stick around. Ive got a few clio bits in the garage that need to be sold. I'd rather sell them on here than on ebay.
  3. aaron-rs197

    our albi blue 197

    so the car goes to the Toyota dealership tomorrow afternoon to be part-ex'd in for a 5 door diesel Auris. The wife decided she needed to have one last round of "pot-holing" before we traded the clio in and split the continental that has only seen 500 ish miles... running round like mad this...
  4. aaron-rs197

    powder coated wheels

    ph neutral means it is neither acidic nor alkaline (has a pH of 7.0), pure water is an example of a ph neutral chemical solution
  5. aaron-rs197

    One for future reference- Steering issues 197 / 200

    i have no knocks or clunking but a slight creaking (like an old spring mattress) when turning lock to lock or when stop/starting in slow moving traffic.. is that the rack on its way out or something else?
  6. aaron-rs197

    Creaking Steering with Video

    did a new rack solve this @197-pocket-rocket
  7. aaron-rs197

    powder coated wheels

    As soon as i got my powder coated wheels back i applied a couple layers of collinite 476. I dont use harsh acid based cleaners when i wash the car as the acid will attack the powder coat clear lacquer over time. I use bilberry (acid free cleaner) diluted 1:10 to soak the wheels for 5 mins then...
  8. aaron-rs197

    GW cup 59 plate. New Romney BP Garage

    today about 17:00ish. debadged boot and exhaust system of some sort. sounded beefy. i was just pulling in as you pulled out. not seen in the area before. seen allsorts of renaultsports this weekend. few 182s, few clios, couple megs and a twingo. makes a change to seeing vxrs or focus st's that...
  9. aaron-rs197

    White 200, Eurotunnel, Folkestone

    yeah its def a private plate. cant remember exactly. think its got a C in it somewhere!!
  10. aaron-rs197

    White 200, Eurotunnel, Folkestone

    i saw him up by the roundabout for etchinghil around that time todayl. must of been moments before you saw him.. i think he's from canterbury area. see him some mornings coming down stone street from canters toward m20.
  11. aaron-rs197

    200: Black 200 Coast Road, Greatstone on sea

    parked up on side of road today about 1ish
  12. aaron-rs197

    Yiannis' Albi Blue R27 - Toning down...

    thats one sexy sounding exhaust. i want one. what is it?
  13. aaron-rs197

    this really annoyed me

    haha love it. i had a 5 series diesel (think it was a 530d) try to run me off the motorway last time i took the clio up to my local rs specialist. wasn't impressed.
  14. aaron-rs197

    this really annoyed me

    P.S sorry for all the swear words!
  15. aaron-rs197

    this really annoyed me

    need to vent frustration! on a single carriageway doing nat speed limit (60) and a couple of bellends in a Nova GSi (guessing it was a redtop jobbie as it feckin shifted) decided to turn around and come chasing after me for what i can only guess was to try and show me just how much quicker his...
  16. aaron-rs197

    Drove a Corsa VXR

    Wouldnt know. I have the normal seats.
  17. aaron-rs197

    Drove a Corsa VXR

    I had a go in my father in laws corsa vxr yesterday. Seat was uncomfortable, dashboard looks massive, ride was firm but not as firm as clio cup chassis. Engine was quieter too. Interior bit nicer than clio's. Clio much better IMO just because its more focused on performance and driving feel...
  18. aaron-rs197

    200: LY in St Ives Leisure Centre car park

    +1 on the above route. Me and the mrs take holidays in cornwall often and get fish and chips from pendeen, sit by the lighthouse for a bit then take that coastal route back to St Ive's. Lovely bit of road. especially just as the sun is setting over the sea.
  19. aaron-rs197

    Renault Trafic LL29 Sport DCI 150

    i was in 3rd gear i think to start with at about 20mph perhaps, and yes i wasn't really prepared! that will teach me to under-estimate a renault with a sport badge. -as most people do ;)
  20. aaron-rs197

    Renault Trafic LL29 Sport DCI 150

    pretty damn quick for a van! gave the clio something to think about on a 150 meter stretch of dual carriageway from one roundabout to another! anyone know the performance specs of these? it was neck and neck all the way up to about 5k/6k rpm then ran out of road. went round the roundabout then...