Clio 197 Ultra Red 2007 from Finland. April, time to start driving.

enjoy it while you can..soon the warm and annoying weather is here :tearsofjoy:

Many years this time of year i have been swapping winter tyres -> summer tyres.
Usually when we have first F1 race of the year most of the snow is gone.
Today it was -26celsius when i drove to work. Beast from east or i dont know what this is. I want summer. Now :smiley:
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I found out that there was swirl marks in right door mirror.
I corrected swirls with rotary polisher.
Then it was time for Nanolex SI3D Ceramic coating.



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Hello again!

Today is 12 of april and sun is shining here.
In fact, weather forecast says it will be sunny for 10 days.. Amazing. Nights are cold, this morning it was -5celsius.

Traditionally 1. of may is good day to take summer vehicles for insurance and drive.
Vappu is celebrated annually on 1 May and marks the end of winter. It is also celebrated as International Labour Day and is one of the biggest festivals of the year in Finland alongside Midsummer's Day and Christmas.

After winter roads are in horrible state..
See this video, maybe you now know why i dont like cup suspension..

Look fullscreen and 720p or 1080p for best quality.

Mikkeli pothole slalom

I took some photos when i was in my garage




Last week we had nice weather and almost +15 celsius in daytime.
This week is return for normal Finnish weather: (+5 celsius and raining).
Because slow progress of summer, i thought maybe i take clio for insurance after i come back from Italy end of May.
It depends how this will go. I really dont have any interest to get any flying studs or rocks for my new windscreen or almost mint paintwork. There is still many cars with winter (stud tyres) in my area.
In fact, it is illegal to drive with stud tyres this time of year when snow has been gone, but people are lazy.
And then we debate why our roads are so bad... :expressionless:

So, nothing new here. :flushed:
What a clean car!

Thanks.. it should be after time spent.. :smiley:

Looking stunning as always my friend. Bet you can't wait to get it out again ! Enjoy......

Hi and nice to hear from you
Today was nice weather +19 celsius and lot of sun. So.. BMW in and Clio out.
New brakes are just so good that i cannot believe. Little problem with tyres small vibration in 92kmh speed. Can be out of balance or just for lack of driving..

Some photos from first drive



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I dont know if you have experienced any difference how suspension works depending ambient tempeature.
What i think suspension is more soft when ambient tempeature is +22celsius compared for +5 celsius.
Today it was +22celsius and suspension was so nice to drive.
I dont know if you have experienced any difference how suspension works depending ambient tempeature.
What i think suspension is more soft when ambient tempeature is +22celsius compared for +5 celsius.
Today it was +22celsius and suspension was so nice to drive.

You’re not the only one, I’ve noticed this many times and I’m sure there’s been comments in the past about this.

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I am back from Italy. Unfortunately. I love that country.
Clio 197 is now my daily driver during summertime. Car has been fine all summer, but i have to replace flexis later.

Some pictures from yesterday.


I enjoyed some of your photos of Italy on Instagram Antti:thumb:

Pleased for you that you can finally drive the Clio!
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I enjoyed some of your photos of Italy on Instagram Antti:thumb:

Pleased for you that you can finally drive the Clio!

Okay thats really nice to hear.
Yep, we have had such nice summer. 3 weeks sunshine so far no rain. Mostly i use scooter because so good weather.

share some on here too pls..

There is some photos now in Holidays topic, check it out.

This car is outstanding. Just a perfect looking example. I bet you love summertime!?
Yep Finnish summer is so green and nice when weather is sunny..
Some photos from today

Paintwork ceramic coating is now approx 10 months old, works like new.. water beading is just crazy.
Maintenance is easy, normal shampoo wash and once / month i use reload product from coating manufacturer.
It was just so good decision that i did not drove winter with clio. It is just so much more fun in summertime. And no roadsalt or anything else bad things for our cars.

This year i have done all maintenance wash extra carefully to avoid swirl marks.



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