The award for the biggest spammer on the site goes to...

lmfao i dont really look at my number of posts lol.

although that is rather excessive? should i cut down?
As long as it isn't blatant spam, it really matters not.

Anything goes, within reason :smile::smile::smile:
Every site needs people who post loads.

It is what makes a site what it is!
lmao try harder to beat jase' spamming levels? that is reaching new heights of spam though i will have to average 30-40 posts a day to get close
Imagine if everybody competed now to be number 1 lol

Suddenly "Pub Talk" would be like The Red Lion on a Friday night :wink::wink::wink:
its should be but people are in the red lion on friday nights so they dont need the forum lol
oh no maz, ill repost it and see if you can lol ure not missing much thgh lol
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Stop spamming Mike and Woody - your are just cheating now! Repeating the same post over and over :nope:

You should be ashamed... Lol


Im pretty pleased with 7th, I will need to step it up to Catch Craig and Kevo though! :thumbsup:

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