How many have you had?

I have a PS3, but don't mind xBox, Microsoft struggle to make an OS that works so it was interesting to see where the xBox went.

I had the choice between the 2 a few years back when I decided to buy a console, I owned a PS1, PS2 but thought I'd weigh out the differences, and at the time, PS3 had HDMI output, and built in wireless.. and the xbox didn't. Even though the xbox was cheaper, adding the wireless card and bigger HDD drove the price up and past the PS3 anyway and would still be without HDMI even though I had a brand new HD telly to use. So it was only common sense to get the triple.

They both do their job equally well, its just bill gates being a greedy so and so, getting you to buy add ons like the wireless card when to be fair they could have included it quite easily, having to buy a sealed HDD if you want to upgrade the size, Paying companies to have map packs earlier etc to coax more poor souls in.

But like we all say, each to their own.

So then, the next debate.. MW3 or BF3??
Ive always been a COD man since the original modernwarfare which bought the game onto my radar!! However. BF3 just seems 'better' i will be getting both just to make sure i have the best of both worlds. Gears 3 is on my wishlist too :smile:
Two. I got an RRoD on my first...which I wasn't too bothered about. Gave me a chance to upgrade to elite!

I then got Games 3 yr warranty...hoping I get one soon so I can get a new shiny xbox again! haha

Gamertag: Poize360 if you wanna add me :smile:
Two different games

If you want to play a war game with strategy awsome game play BF3
If you want to play a arcade 1st person thrash it game mw3 all the way