Cat replacement

Hi guys,

I've got some questions for the specialists present on this board, regarding the replacement of my original cat on my 200.

What is the difference between a 100cell and a 200cell sports cat?
Which one obtaines the best gains with (or without) mapping?
Is it recommended to combine such a cat replacement with another exhaust system? Or is this combination just a lot of money spend for only a few horses more and better keep the oem exhaust? :confused1:

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Wim C.
a cat is built up with cells similar to honeycombs, the more cells it has the more filteration the cat has the more restrictive it is, so 100 cell is less restrictive than a 200 cell cat. i would say get a whole system for it to be benefictal, but you will only get get a few bhp peak without a map. but will better the drive of the car after a remap plusa few more bhp. me personelly is worth it for the noise.