York women sets herself on fire


Platinum Member
For those that haven't read it


I'm sorry but people are blaming the government/David Cameron/some minister, how the hell is it their fault? At what point do we say that this was an accident caused by a women doing something so stupid I can't put it into words. It was her own fault, one one else's, at no point did the government tell us to decant petrol in our kitchen next to a lit oven. Take responsibility for your actions.

No I don't want to sound too heartless, she does have my sympathy from the point of view that she will have to live with the scarring from this for the rest of her life. Oh this by the way is coming from a sever burn victim, so I know what it's like.
She was obviously doing something stupid, like transfering it between containers (why would you need to do that - transferring from the jerrycans to the 50G drum) whilst having a fag. Probably ignited the petrol fumes and then its downhill from there.

Stupid things happen to stupid people.
She was cooking tea, had the gas cooker on pouring the petrol from a petrol/jerry can into a jug in the kitchen. How thick can you get.
I'm sorry but that is just stupid, she deserves to be injured doing something like that.
yeah shes stupid! nearly as stupid as the bloke who filled 5 1 gallon jerry cans in front of me at the bp whilst i was filling my van up!
There are other cases of foolishness around petrol stations, like the guy that was checking the level in the tanker by using his mobile phone as a torch

Not a pleasant one to watch, I'll see if I can post it up

Here goes, i think
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