Who wants £500 a week??


clio197.net legend
Or £26.000 a year

Well pack in your job get rid of the wife have 2 kids then the state will pay for everything
What a joke
A few years ago a mate of mine who is single and living in rented accommodation was out of work and said he would need a job paying over £20k a year before he would be better off than he was on benefits.

Luckily for him he is working and has a good job now because he hated being unemployed. That is the real problem - that too many peeps don't want a job.

* I take nothing away from all those seriously looking but can't find work *
Those who can't work fair enough but there that many spongers out there today it's unreal
To late for me
But in the next 6 months I could be out there with them as I will be medically dismissed-:worried:
This whole story around benefits racks me right off! It's tax free, so they're on the equivalent of a £31200 salary!

I don't know about you lot, but I work damn hard for a living and the fact that people are moaning that their tax free money is the equivalent of a 31k salary pisses me right off!!

There was a woman on BBC last night moaning about her benefits being capped by 2k when she was choosing to live in one of the most expensive parts of Surrey.

What - the - actual - f*ck!!!

These people need a reality check. What kind of society do we live in when you can go to uni, work your ass up the ladder to just about be on the same money as someone who does f-all!


Those who work on the minimum wage may as well just jack it in - let's face it. What's the f-in point. Let's all leave work and watch some Jeremy Kyle for 26 tax free per year.

Unemployment is at an all time high - is anyone surprised! 26k tax free on benefits isn't exactly encouraging people to get a job is it?

My word.........
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To be honest most benefit seekers i have came accross are mostly women. Occasional man. It is a joke.

I worked nearly a solid year last year (i used 4 days out of my 30 annual leave) and was off sick twice AND worked something like 40+ FULL weekends away and i didn't clear half of what some of the idiots in my town are claiming. Makes me sick!

Mike knows how much i hate this topic. It frustrates me too much! As for the Scottish free education, i love it to a certain extent but even that irriates me (i am Scottish).

There are too many people out there saying 'i can't find a job i like' LIKE being the main point there. Why do you have to like the job? A jobs main target is to put food on the table and pay the bills and live life!! I love my job but i am one of the little who does! Before this job i worked for 4 years in jobs i hated just to get me through education.


P.S. Roy i hold you responsible for making my already high stress levels even worse!! :wink:
I've been out of work now 2 years although 1st was just to relax after having worked the last 8 years of 22 being pure hell in the IT game. But since being out of work I've not claimed any benifits and decided to get enrolled in a course to retrain in a new job and apart from taking an interest free student loan the £5500 in total it's going to cost me I've paid for as well.

People today are too wrapped up in this money for nothing lifestyle and feel the world owes them everything.

My younger sister is disabled after having multiple strokes 10 years ago and the hell she has to go through even with medical reports backing up her condition to even get minimal benefits is a joke as 25% of people where she lives are full time spongers and 1 family who have 10 kids even had the council give them 2 houses which were together then knocked the wall through for them joining them together.
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I wish i was on £32k before tax! I might be able to afford a trip to the ring if i was a high roller benefit sponge!

Write the 200 off, laugh, head back to UK and buy another.
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I've been out of work now 2 years although 1st was just to relax after having worked the last 8 years of 22 being pure hell in the IT game. But since being out of work I've not claimed any benifits and decided to get enrolled in a course to retrain in a new job and apart from taking an interest free student loan the £5500 in total it's going to cost me I've paid for as well.

People today are too wrapped up in this money for nothing lifestyle and feel the world owes them everything.

My younger sister is disabled after having multiple strokes 10 years ago and the hell she has to go through even with medical reports backing up her condition to even get minimal benefits is a joke as 25% of people where she lives are full time spongers and 1 family who have 10 kids even had the council give them 2 houses which were together then knocked the wall through for them joining them together.
This why it is so wrong like you say you kid sister is entitled to her money and has to fight for every penny and these low life scum get everything for free
This is why I am worried when they medically dismiss me because I am now classed as disabled what am I going to get.Anwer stuff all and I have never been out of work since I was 16.33 years of paying tax and NI for nothing
Roy, just don't give up as it is such a trying process, also make lots of duplicates of anything you send/give to them as lost count of the times my sister has said to me after chasing up with them on matters to get told they don't have something as it's gone missing.

Also when dealing with them use the most basic of terminology they have trouble grasping words over 5 letters :smile:
The fact that benefits are costing us £135 bliion a year is a total joke. Thats more than defence and more than what the NHS get.

The whole European court of human rights doesnt help either. Over-rulling our government saying people do have the right to all this "free money".
I know mate the last time I went through it with them for my Disability Working Allowance it took 150ish letters 4 medicals god knows how many phone calls for them to say Yes even the specialist said they were a joke
I have just got a help with taxi to work but I had to phone a place in Wales who put me on to a place in Birmingham who put on to a place in Stourbridge who said I would get a letter from Belfast which I did lol now I have to send my receipts to Glasgow absolute joke
My sister has to call centre in Glasgow to book a cab as she gets a taxi card to help with travel and you have to call them, then they either get black cab or mini cab who belongs to the service to come and pick you up. Even that which sounds simple is full of issues as you then get drivers abusing the system and using your card numbers to claim fake journeys or end up with both black cab & mini cab.
Don't get me started....... :@

Lets get Clarkson on the case and shoot the f**kers!! The spongers don't contribute anything so who is really going to miss them!
Hate threads like this! winds me up so bad!

I wouldnt even have the cheek to claim benfits when theres ntohign wrong with me... etc

I went into work last year when i was ill (sick bug) yeah its nothing really but on 12 hour shifts feeling like that just so i dont loose my 6 month £250 attendance bonus.... and they get double that a week... Urgh


but i did have a knee operation a few years back and was off work for 6 weeks as i had part of my Femur shaved and punchered to help it heal. Worst and most boring 6 weeks of my life.... couldnt be a spunger for a living....