White 200 Sheffield


Platinum Member
You passed me just coming down the A57 yesterday towards the Sheffield Parkway. Thinks the plate was YR59 but didn't catch the last 3 letters.
Glacier= :001_tt1:
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This is the one that I saw which I thought was you! It went from mosborough onto parkway going into town.

Some young lads were driving it, there are fellow young people out there!!! haha.
There are a few white ones in Sheff lads.
It i parked mine between yours then we'd have an excellent football kit :clap:
Actually I think I know where this guy lives!

I saw his car a few months back when I was going to have my hair cut in mosborough.
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ive not seen any others yet around mosborough. my parents live down rd from ridgeway arms. ive got a white 197