when is enough, enough?

yes i work in the construction industry

willis; it works out very expensive but im hoping that it will pay off in the long run

i have been racking my brains about it, Roy is the good angel sat on one shoulder talking sense and im the devil sat on the other shoulder saying i have been at college that long that im now part of the furniture........................
I also come from a trade background gouldy. Advanced craft is well..... Very easy and i studied hnc the built environment for 2 years at the manchester college ended up with merits throughout. It cost me 645 per year but i can honestly say it wasnt really worth it. I joined the police 18 months ago and in the spare time i do my joinery.

As roy said its ure own decision. I have no life now but i had even less of a life back then. It was mentally and physically draining and wud never do it again.
im the same mate, i dont agree with advanced craftsman being easy though, its very hard to achieve as a pipe fitter and alot of years at college. at my college you have to do the ONC which is two years before you can do the HNC.

i do agree with having no life and it being draining though. term time i have literally no life at all and when your employer doesnt pay for your training it starts to get very expensive.
I did 2 years of A-Levels, then went on to do a 2 year apprenticeship as a gas engineer. I finished it and thought things were going to get a lot better very quickly, it terms of money. The reality - I'm still on a poor wage. I did my commercial trainning a couple of months back which involved going in to the classroom once angain and I hated it. So glad when it was all over. I honestly don't think I could ever go back to it now. So if I were you I would finish what you have started and get it out the way. It is difficult to go back.

Hopefully in the next couple of months I'll be getting a pay rise as my levels of experience and knowledge grow. But if you already know a lot about your job then you don't have to put up with what I am at the moment.
No mate, I have done everything under the sun including gas safe course installing wise.

It's all the theory behind building design that im studying and tbh I enjoy it but find it hard.

I would of thought being a gas engineer you would be on over £30,000 Pa ?