Whats your Job?

Well just to add to the barrage of IT people, I work in IT too.
Worked for a couple of other companies and then started my own as I was bored of listening to my bosses moan. :thumbsup:
I'm a mechanical engineer, designing diesel fuel injection systems on a forecourt near you in 5 years!
Destructive testing is more fun but you loose a lot of valuable data at the same time! If you test a component to 99% of it's service life you can see end of life wear/damage but if you go to 101% you won't find the details which caused the failure!
I am a composite laminator, mainly doing F1 and motorsport bits.

Always satisfying seeing some of your own handiwork on tv!
Haha it's in the name I don't destroy anything, I use methods to detect in service defects, so magnetism, ultrasonics, eddy currents, fluorescent liquid dye penetrant, barkhausen, radiography etc etc, company repairs them so you guys land safe on your holidays, I'm the guy that signs them off as airworthy

I'm working as a control room engineer driving a reactor in the nuclear power plant of Tihange in Belgium. We love to say that we have - in power comparison - 7000 FERRARI's 458 Italia in our hands :smile:

Yes, you can call me Homer as I am eating donuts too, no kidding here ! ;-)

Duh ! Eric.