... as ive sold the 200!
Just never clicked with it, loved my 172 so much i bought i back after id sold it, thought my 182 was ok, then just didn't get on with my 200
Sold it to buyer for a well known car supermarket (not CarCraft), so im looking forward to seeing how much they put it on for
It'll be going standard so 3 week old projectors and HIDs will be up for sale when im back from my hols
So, another 200 gone...

Just never clicked with it, loved my 172 so much i bought i back after id sold it, thought my 182 was ok, then just didn't get on with my 200
Sold it to buyer for a well known car supermarket (not CarCraft), so im looking forward to seeing how much they put it on for
It'll be going standard so 3 week old projectors and HIDs will be up for sale when im back from my hols
So, another 200 gone...