Todays the Day

Roy legend
bitting at the bit. going out shortly to see if i can use the clutch after not being able to use my left leg for the last 8 months.wont be doin nothing daft
just want to take it easy wont be doing much racing i dont think
im going to be a sunday driver:wink:
update later, :driveby:
Enjoy it Roy I know uve been waiting for this for ages . Let us know how it goes
thanks folk for the good lucks
not a good start to my eagerly awaited drive
1st found it very uncomfortable to even sit behind the wheel
2nd depressing the clutch was so painful felt like there was a brick behind the pedal
3rd first three gear changes (CRUNCH) but got better as i went on
4th everything felt so heavy
5th some knob in a bmw decided to pull out on me from a T junction
and i had to slam the brakes on but couldnt get the clutch down fast
enough so stalled her.i never done that before killed me knee

The Good
1st only 200yrds up the road saw a white 200 in wich the bloke actually waved
2nd really missed driving big style
3rd got a told of by the better half for doin 100 mph:rofl:
4th cant wait to be driving every day now ive got the taste for it again.
going to take my time and build the strengh back in my muscles and get the bend back in my knee and not do anything stupid.
thanks again for your messages of support:thumbsup:
Nice one mate! Sounds like you are being sensible. Well, all apart from the 100 mph, which is forgiveable! Lol!

So do you think you will be ok for Welsh Blast?

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