Throttle body

Does using v power fuel help keep this and other engine components free from gunk build up? Says it contains a detergent?
Does using v power fuel help keep this and other engine components free from gunk build up? Says it contains a detergent?

that's only fuel lines/injectors etc

the throttle bodies get dirty from the crankcase breather system recirculating blow-bye gases back in to the engine hence the oily and black carbon build up
Cleaned mine today, wasn't too bad but definitely dirtied up a clean cloth. Had to do it attached to the car, couldn't get the electrical connection off and I didn't want to be brutal with it and break it. Hate those things

Me too. Which is why pics show it still in engine bay.

I gave the clip a go. Failed. Studied it. Tried again. Failed. Realised i'd break something if i carried on - so left well alone and cleaned in-situ...........
Cleaned mine today, wasn't too bad but definitely dirtied up a clean cloth. Had to do it attached to the car, couldn't get the electrical connection off and I didn't want to be brutal with it and break it. Hate those things

Same here mate, I couldn't figure it out! Just looked like it was all one connection.
Just worth to mention
The manual workshop suggest ( more like super recommend as *must even) to replace the t.b seal every clean
Does anyone have the part number for the seal/gasket on this. Would like one just in case before I tackle the project?
Just done mine (it was sticking when cold) but the revs are also so much smoother now!
it does unclip iirc theres a tab that pushes in to release it
The tab doesn't push in, it levers out — there's a rectangular notch next to where the wire exits the connector, stick a flathead screwdriver in that and bend the tip away from the connector (i.e. handle towards the wire). The connector kind of just falls loose once that tab is released, very easy.

I needed 4× 8mm sockets to detach the body from the manifold intake, no 10mm at all, and the air hose can stay fixed to the manifold. Mine's low mileage and it clearly had never been off since the factory, the bolts were seized pretty tight but came out just fine once the head "clicked" free, threads were still clean.