Think I have been converted...


Platinum Member
Never liked Harry Potter but just watched order of the phoenix and really enjoyed it, is that wrong :tongueout: lol
read the books first maz, first to seventh. none stop. phone in sick, do whatever it takes ha ha.
the books are infinately better than the films, especially the last film they did (before this deathly hallows). you've just got to accept the films as what they are, a second best...
I wish I had the time and the attention span to read but I don't :rofl:

PMSL at Harry potter meet, sure why not :tongueout:
Lmao u have missed out maz the latest 1 is best yet. Get ure arse to cinema to see it
That's how I originally felt about them Matt, takes alot to keep me engaged but I enjoyed this tonight :smile:

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