tar on the car

If any of you need to remove some tar from your paint work give me a shout. Getting some special cleaning crap from a contractor this week due to getting some on my car. I will be at the meet next sunday anf fcs if you want a quick clean down.
Petrol does the job brilliantly, I've used it for years without an issue. Failing that Autosmart Tardis is better but costs a bit more. I'd personally be wary of anything that a contractor gave me, god knows what it will do to the paint work.
Wd40 works just like tardis, Carplan do something new that's a mix of both tardis AND ironx which is a brilliant time saver especially on a white car :smiley:
it does but least you'd know it's not harmful to paint etc.

besides its only £15 for 5 litres

The stuff I get from the contractors is good stuff. When we get complaints from the public they never come back saying their painted has been damaged.