Steering angle sensor reset?

I damaged the clockspring (angle sensor) when I had the steering rack off and turned the steering wheel - I know.
Anyway, it threw up the ASR/ESP fault so I bought a new angle sensor, fitted it today, and still the same warnings on the dash.
I have driven the car up the road, turned from lock to lock etc and I can't get it to re-set.
Dashboard says 'check steering' when I'm driving, also get the flashing spanner of doom.
The ABS still works, and I'm now out of ideas.
I've checked all the fuses next to the battery too.
Lastly I've got a CARLY OBD scanner, so I've plugged that in to clear all the fault codes but I'm still getting the same fault coming back.
What have I missed? Really greatful for any advice, thanks.
Thanks - there seem to be a lot of options for buying the CLIP tool, some more expensive than others. Can anybody recommend the right one please?
There is a white marker on the clock spring to show that the clock spring is centered I had problems with the new genuine steering rack was not allowing the steering wheel to sit straight you center the steering rack then use the adjustment of the track rod ends to get the road wheels straight. Double check the turns from center to full left and the to full right are equal but don't snap the spring again doing that. Your problem is is it center plus one revolution and which way