spotted exotica section?



Maybe a section thats spotted exotic cars and requires a picture to be able to be posted?

Would make for a bit of a porn section (members only) lol
I have loadsa pictures like this




I only took a photo of this one cus I liked his number plate :wink:

The DBS in picture 3 had a number plate DBS 12 ppl who can zoom will see that

And in picture 2 no I don't think astra is exotica second in the queue on right is a brand spanking new SLS AMG a nice way to get rid of £161k lol
Not being funny but do you really want to advertise the fact you were taking pictures while driving? Not sure if this is a great idea...
Lol prove who took the photo blah blah blah we all do it on here and they can be parked up if necessary
Saw this bad boy on the M1 last week...

Porsche 911 Sport Classic (my favourite 911!)

Also saw an Aston Martin Virage yesterday, it was a left hooker on a KX60... Plate which I think is usually used for Aston press cars. Didn't get a pic as I was driving though :worried:
They had an sls amg at the mercedes garage by me the other week amazing cars, what's the 100k jaguar? There was one of those at jaguar over road from me as well!

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