It's just another way of bringing in revenue. Motorists are such easy targets.
The % of income could be confusing. I know someone who's basic is 16k but took home 120k with commission, so what would he pay? £2500 or £369, he's a self employed Mortgage advisor.
The limits should be raised. Apparently roads are becoming safer, smart motorways for example, but the limits are staying the same. Cars are safer, faster, better braking systems, improved steering so should be set accordingly. In towns and villages or built up areas, then fair enough, during busy periods, I don't get the chance to get out of 2nd anyway, but 3/4 lane motorways?? Or time them, between 10pm-6pm, go nuts lol. I've been on the Autobahn, even though some parts aren't set to a limit, there's still people just sitting at 70-80. It's nice to be giving a choice and not told what to do. Telling me I can and can't do brings out my rebellious side
Tell me not to push the button.............I'm pushing the button