Serious intersting science stuff for you....


Platinum Member
If you are into Astronomy and Planetary stuff like me, you may not have seen this series that was on the BBC recently.

Here is the first part: Destiny:


Part two: Stardust:


Part three: Falling:


Part four: Messengers:


Truly awe inspring, I have seen them each two/three times, yet I can still learn even more.

Surprised you missed the series Mike. Caught every episode. They were great. So was the first series.
Oh I have them all on both Sky+ box in HD and on the box in the bedroom lol!

This stuff is my life, I actually love this. If we don't move to Switzerland, I am going to do a degree in Astronomy and Planetary Science.
I watched them too. Prof' Cox is so enthusiastic and makes things so easy to understand.

I hope he does another series soon, fascinating stuff. :smile:
I completely agree - this was a brilliant series! Need to buy it on Blu-ray when it come out!
There are some really good spoofs on YouTube as well.




Loving the spoofs too, especially the first one!!! That bit about the school photo' is too funny. :smiley:

The guy doing the first two has got the accent a lot closer than the guy on the second two.
Spoofs are quite funny, but Brain Cox is a total legend, and a part of me gets a little offended at them :oops:
I even enjoyed these and it's not something I would usually watch!

I was completely in awe at his knowledge and the graphics they used! I can't wait for the blurays, they will be totally immense!

I even enjoyed these and it's not something I would usually watch!

I was completely in awe at his knowledge and the graphics they used! I can't wait for the blurays, they will be totally immense!


My wife is the same, not interested, but his way of explaining things makes it interested lol!