Seller feedback

Has buyer/seller feedback ever been considered? I know there's a lot of buying and selling that goes on through the site, myself included, and it would be good if you could leave people ratings so that others thinking of buying could go off their reputation?

Just a thought...
good idea Adam tbh,

what would be nice to see as well is, if you have something up for sale then you should be an owner member or have so many post counts to do so. ( like so many other sites/clubs ). ? :smile:

as there have been quite alot of people joining up just to sell stuff, ( in my opinion thats not right ). `:'(

sorry to all the new members, dont mean to offend anyone. :thumbup1:
There is an add on for V Bulletin called I Trader, and it is like ebay feedback - for buyer and seller.

It works well on the sites I have seen it used on!

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