Saw an Accident last night, driver drove off.


I Love Lamp
Platinum Member
Last night I was driving up the dual carriage way by me, the Penn Road A449. There have been many accidents on this road over the years, one to note was a Scooby with 3 people in that all died when the driver ploughed it in to a wall at 90 mph head on.

This has lead to the council doing something about it. The 2 lanes now merge in to one for the sweeping left hander, then back in to 2 again.

This is where this accident happened last night.

VW Golf, Virgin Media plastered all over it, mounted the grass on the central reservation, drove along it scrapping the car down the armcove, took out a couple of markers, before spinning twice across the road up on to the other side of the road grass verge, narrowly missing a bus stop then rolling back over to the other side and hitting the central reservation at now low speed. He then rolled back, stopped in front of me (now stopped at the side of the road).

He must have seen me, so took off. There were sparks coming out from under the car. He stopped again a bit further up, I was following him whilst the missus was on the phone to the police, before once again driving off like a nutter and nearly crashing again at a junction.

I backed right off and left him to it.

Should I ring Virgin Media too? Car must be a right mess, not huge damage, just nearly every panel and significant damage to the O/S/F suspension.
Tis a lethal bit of road that Arran I would ring them.did the police get back to you?
report it - he could be a drink driver - next time he might kill someone and that someone could be you or someone in your family!!!!
Hope you took a note of the reg, unusually when i reported someone for dangerous driving they actually called me a few days later to iron some of the details.

Never got them sadly but I failed on getting their reg.
Get it reported Virgin shouldnt have much trouble though... Batter car coming in for repairs. Hopefully the tosser will get what he deserves!
Still haven't rung Virgin, I was going to today, but didn't get chance in the end. Had to go to a relative's house this evening because her radiator had sprung a leak! But the police haven't spoken to my fiance since.