Rs gear knob

Hi all :smile: first post....... I just bought the rs gear knob but it doesn't seem to fit! There was only 1 piece in the box but it looked like it had space for more parts. Any suggestions or help for fitting?
You just pull off the new one. Literally just pull it straight off (a bit of force does have to be applied). Be careful you don't pull it off and hit yourself in the face.

Next search for the reverse selector lifter spring which inevitably will fly off when the original gear knob comes off.

Put the spring back in and then push the new gear knob on (make sure you align it align it correctly first). Takes nowhere near as much force to push it on as it does to take it off.

Then enjoy the sexiness of new gear knob and make endless "come feel my knob" jokes to friends and relatives. :smile:
hehe cheers for the reply.

Well i got the original off no problem, but the new one just seems too big! even after the spring flying out.

I'm taking it to the dealer tomorrow for the keys to be re-coded so they've said they'll have a go at putting it on for me! then i can enjoy the sexyness and start my project on the car :smiley:!

Vinyl wrapping and a new ICE setup :smiley: