Red f1 wheels?

right... so i just got my wheels refurbed in the original grey colour all perfect looking nice... driving to my brothers last night a bus forced me up a curb and i have grazed my wheels.

so im thinking now i have to refurb them again i fancy a change and wondered what other options i have to go with the red ?

and yes i did cry
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lol oh man! That's terrible.

I'm getting mine refurbed next week...i'll be getting a taxi from my car to the curb for the new few months!

How about black? or white?
I'm getting mine done Matte black next week which is a bit different from the normal gloss.
yehh this is true, i know black will be easier to manage

Black are terrible, Gloss black anyway.

Alright if the weather is nice, then the dust gets on and they look dull, then as soon as it rains.... they look ****, but if u scuff them, rub a hand full of dirt on and no one knows :wink: