RB200 Didcot (Pictures)

Had your windows tinted then will? Need to get your wheels done too :wink:

Haha yeah I have mate, along with vinyl roof :wink:

I've got so much **** waiting back home but didn't wana risk going home this weekend!

Wheels definitely need to be done haha, along with the calipers and a million other jobs :worried: You good fella?
i live in Didcot Deaks!! i have not seen a RB 197 around but there is an Albi 197 going round!! there is also a silversone edition in didcot!!

Where abouts you from??
Saw a 200 Gordini once around Kingston Bagpuize at about 5.30 in the morning coming from Witney way and heading up the A420 towards Oxford. Wonder if they live in the area too?!
Didn't realise there were so many!

Thought I was the only one with a mk3 RS in didcot haha. Want to see that Silverstone Ed. too :smiley:

I live back home in Folkestone, Kent. But I work for Fugro in Wallingford so I live in Didcot during the week :smiley:

Saw an Albi 200 in Sainsburys the other day too haha.