perhaps missfire?


Gold Member
hi folks
i went to fuel in a different station that im used to fuel in.
and fueled about 10-15L (added to the 6-7L that already was in the tank).
5minutes after i left the station the car started to act weird and had tons of tons missfires, something similiar to this :
and also when standing on traffic the car almost turn off if i dont blip on the gas pedal .
since i saw that i went immidietly to my regular gas station and fueled another 25-30L and even this didnt solve the problem.
anyway i went home and the next day (day 2) i started the car -all the same problems occured again but this time after i drove like this for like 20-25minutes the problem went away for the whole day.
next day(day 3) the same happened...
and today (day 4) i started the car and saw its doing the same things-turned off the car ,and now looking for answers since driving like this is too bad and risky for the car.
anyone experienced that?
p.s tried to drain the fuel from the tank but i managed to drain only 5L-+ pipe doesnt go in all the way -and i dont want to open the fuel sensor inside the car and drain from the hole cuz it will spread serious gas smell in the car.

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Have you gone back to the fuel station and spoken to them? It’s not unheard of for fuel batches to be contaminated.

I’d recommend draining the fuel (call a professional if you can’t get all of it out) and refuel from your usual fuel station. Have you also got a fuel filter underneath the car? I know Clios not sold in the UK did have a second filter.
Have you gone back to the fuel station and spoken to them? It’s not unheard of for fuel batches to be contaminated.
hey mate
its been awhile...
as for the question-no i didnt cuz i didnt expect for any reasonable answer... ok so the gas is bad what now?
anyhow it seems that the gas is the problem(unless its just a coincidence)
but the question is what to do from here-couldnt drain the petrol from the tank
hey mate
its been awhile...
as for the question-no i didnt cuz i didnt expect for any reasonable answer... ok so the gas is bad what now?
anyhow it seems that the gas is the problem(unless its just a coincidence)
but the question is what to do from here-couldnt drain the petrol from the tank
Hi mate, good to see you’ve still got the Clio!

It’s worth speaking to them as I’ve read about fuel contamination over here where the fuel stations have paid for customers cars to be drained of fuel.

Moving on to the actual issue have you checked to see if you have an inline fuel filter underneath the car? Is there any debris in it?

This may be a better point to drain fuel from but I don’t know how you would power the fuel pump to continuously drain. Maybe by attaching a 12v battery to it?

The other option is to pay someone to drain the fuel tank.

It could also just be the fuel pump itself starting to fail and it’s just a coincidence that it’s happening after you’ve refuelled at a different station. Again from what I’ve read they tend to fail immediately, not intermittently but something to keep in mind.
Sounds like either bad fuel or could just be coincidence and perhaps your plugs/coils are causing the issue... I'd recommend having a check of the coils and plugs, specifically coil & plug 4 (often confused as 1, but it's the first one on the left if looking into the engine bay)...

Do some swaps, clean the coils and dab a bit of WD40 in, check plugs are clean/good etc....