Out of body experience

Cheers mate, appreciate all the comments.

Im glad some people on here have also experienced things they cant explain.

I have literally tried to rule every single possibility out as regards to what else it could be, and there is no other answer! What I need help in establishing is who/what/ and why is trying to contact me, which for me is the worrying part.

I didn't get much sleep at all last night. Things are starting to become more clear, both movements, and vocals. My Granddad passed away suddenly, on his birthday, due to a heart defect. Now last night, I actually thought I was going to have to ring for an ambulance, The vocals started, the distinctive smell arose from nowhere, and I could NOT BREATHE!!! I had an overwhelming pain in my chest, and was in absolute agony. My partner was at my side, and also established that we weren't alone, as she too could hear clearer voices.

It lasted for about 3 minutes, then all of a sudden, everything became normal, and I was fine, a little shocked as I thought I was having a heart attack!!!! it was horrible!

Someone/ or something really is trying to tell me something, and I think Im going to have to call upon Ian earlier than I thought to come out and try make contact
I know its hard but try to stay calm when it happens, Try thinking about something you enjoy like driving etc:driveby:, Nothing can hurt you. Or do you think its the spirit making you panic uppose to you panicing knowing something is there, Does that make sence?.
due to my past history with anxiety etc, I know how to control myself, both feelings, and body should an anxiety attack arise again. This is nothing like that.

Its really weird, it more or less feels like its trying to make me panic, but the sensation of the chest pains that I got last night, felt so real.
Have you ever done any research on history on your house or local area?. I would have thought if its your grandad he's just unrestful as he past away so suddenly. I'm sorry for your loss anyway mate.
Serious comment. Have you ever asked your parents if they took Class A drugs during the 60s/70s or at any time until they were made illegal. If your parents took acid, it can have an effect on you as well.

I dont believe in ghosts/spirits. I have seen some messed up things in my time, and i always put it down to something else. Mind tricks etc. The human mind is very powerful.
i don't personally believe in ghosts, if you are experiencing something you can't explain, it's because it is something that you do not understand, not something supernatural.
at a guess i'd say you are in a lot of emotional distress and your mind is acting out your grief. i'd try to get some closure, spend some time with the family, look at old pictures, ball your eyes out for hours etc.

if you're convinced it's something supernatural then please don't take offence to my input, i'm just trying to help
Just read this thread, is your partner also hearing the same things you're hearing?

I don't believe in ghosts/spirits etc. and have never experienced anything like it but if you and your partner are hearing things then are you hearing the same things? If so, and I know this perhaps sounds a bit petty but could it be neighbours voices or neighbours TV/radio?
i've heard of people getting striking headaches and visions when awaking, and it been put down to a small carbon monoxide leak, they leave the house and feel fine, get back home and it starts again
Is this still happening Keil? Spoke to the medium etc?

I do believe in spirits etc and if you have eliminated everything and still feel it is your grandad or someone trying to contact you it could well be. Your connection with him or feelings about the situation could indicate he is trying to tell you something that you can't put your finger on. But because it is not visual and physical like day to day life its going to be hard to interpret it.

I've never really had anything like this happen to me but my grandad passed away when I was 1 years old. During the time my grandad was ill in hospital my mum was at the house and me, my bro and sis were all in bed as my mum had not long put us to bed and closed the doors etc. Then all of sudden she heard a few noises and felt kind of strange so went up stairs to check on us and all the doors had been opened and she just knew that my grandad had passed away and came to check on us one last time. Then she had the call or something informing her he had passed away, all at the time this had happened with the noises, doors etc. So I definitely believe in spirits etc but don't be alarmed by it, it could just be your grandad looking out for you or making contact etc.
Yeah I had contact with the medium last week, and he gave me quite a lot of information, including very specific things, the last time I saw my grandad etc which made me cry, as I do now believe it is him trying to contact me, and I think I now know why.

Basically my Grandad was bloody stubborn sometimes lol, and a few days before he passed away, he said he kept getting really bad heartburn. We tried to tell him to goto the doctors to get it checked out, but he refused.
He had suffered from angina 10 years previous to this, and was also diabetic, which lead to numerous heart problems. He was hospitalised and absolutely hated it! God bless him RIP :'(. Now my reason for him wanting to contact me; I have suffered from a blocked nose ( unilateral) for at least 9 months. Basically I had no problems regarding my airways leading upto me getting sinusitus. Ever since I contracted sinusitis it hasnt been right.

I kept putting it off about going to the doctors, as I havent got the time to be ill with family, work etc.

Anyway it got that bad a few weeks back that I took the plunge and booked in at the doctors. He gave me some tablets as he believed that it may once again be sinusitis, and also he reffered me to the ENT at the hospital.

I went for the appointment, and they said it looks like I have a pollyp?? which is basically a growth in the upper nostril. But, the growth looked 'abnormal' and said that with it only been unilateral that it may be more serious than first expected. I started to panic, and yes he said that unilateral blockage, and leaking of clear fluids can POSSIBLY be a sign of cancer!!!!!!!!! So I am now absolutely ****ting myself as you can imagine, waiting for more tests,

and this is why I believe he came and made contact. Maybe if I had of left it any longer it might of progressed??? I dont know
Absolutely mate, from reading this thread I really think that it may well have been him giving you the push to get checked up at the doctors. Peace of mind that he is still looking out for you too.

I wouldn't let it worry you though, everything will be fine with it, just wait for the tests and listen to the doctors, as you said it could have progressed but you've had these signs and its being checked now.