Out Of Action...


The Gatekeeper
Platinum Member
Morning all!!!

So glad the forum is back up because I've been signed off work since Friday for at least two weeks so at least now I'll have something other than Football Manager 12 to keep me company in the daytime!!! I was terribly worried when the forum went down over the weekend, I'd almost started talking to my star striker at Bolton, David N'Gog. :smiley:

Anyhoo, I can't drive (no good considering that's my profession), I can't w@nk (vigorously at least), I can't hold the Xbox controller, I can't carry a cup of tea and I can't slice bread. But, what I can do is walk to the butty shop...

At the moment, nobody actually knows what's wrong. Basically, I almost pushed my own thumb off... X-Ray was clear in terms of no obvious fracture or dislocation but the swelling is that bad it's hard to be certain. I went to my GP yesterday and he wouldn't even touch it, pulled a funny face and referred me to a Consultant Physiotherapist. Oh, and gave me some horse tranquilizers. Joy...

So, that's Nicole looking dirty and lonely on the drive for a short while. Upside is, she'll feel even faster when I get to drive her again.

Roy, I now understand fully how hard it is to have a 197/200 and not be allowed to drive her. :worried:
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If you need a chauffer to drive you and nicole round one out our glorious tracks them give me a shout mate.

Seriously tho mate I hope it gets better soon. On another note you now have time to send the throttle body away to be done, and now they Litchy has discovered that the problem was a dodgy TB we can go ahead with the group buy. So def interested if your gonna sort that out.
Cheers guys!!! :smile:

I was unlblocking a hydraulic ram on one of the trucks at work and pushed a load of card that had got stuck, a proper man-push and put my full weight into it, but it seems that my right thumb caught the metal on the truck and stopped meaning I pushed the rest of my arm/weight over it and bent it back/sideways at some unholy angle.

The best outcome would be a severe sprain/strain, that's what I'm hoping for. Pretty sh!t when you're hoping for an injury hahaha!!! The worse case scenario is damage to my Thenar Muscles which will need surgery and with them being where they are that'd be a fairly invasive procedure and mean quite a lengthy lay off.

I'm worried about my wrist too, I broke it about four years ago and it's started to hurt in the same way at the same point. Adding to that the fact that my entire hand, not just the thumb area has swollen to about 1.5 times the size and is ice cold... As well as my forearm being achey and ice cold.

Ah well, have you had a trip, slip or fall in the workplace that wasn't your fault!?! :smiley:
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On another note you now have time to send the throttle body away to be done, and now they Litchy has discovered that the problem was a dodgy TB we can go ahead with the group buy.

Yes, definately!!!

I'll give the lad a ring tomorrow and see what he can do and get a list/thread on the go.
Morning all!!!

So glad the forum is back up because I've been signed off work since Friday for at least two weeks so at least now I'll have something other than Football Manager 12 to keep me company in the daytime!!! I was terribly worried when the forum went down over the weekend, I'd almost started talking to my star striker at Bolton, David N'Gog. :smiley:

Anyhoo, I can't drive (no good considering that's my profession), I can't w@nk (vigorously at least), I can't hold the Xbox controller, I can't carry a cup of tea and I can't slice bread. But, what I can do is walk to the butty shop...

At the moment, nobody actually knows what's wrong. Basically, I almost pushed my own thumb off... X-Ray was clear in terms of no obvious fracture or dislocation but the swelling is that bad it's hard to be certain. I went to my GP yesterday and he wouldn't even touch it, pulled a funny face and referred me to a Consultant Physiotherapist. Oh, and gave me some horse tranquilizers. Joy...

So, that's Nicole looking dirty and lonely on the drive for a short while. Upside is, she'll feel even faster when I get to drive her again.

Roy, I now understand fully how hard it is to have a 197/200 and not be allowed to drive her. :worried:
Will tell me about it hope you get it sorted soon mate just for your sanity it drives you made
What the giving you pain killer wise???
Mate I feel your pain, broke both my wrists about 3 weeks after finding out about masturbation.........haha

Anyway hope you get better soon mate. Bet that hurt a bit to
Yes, definately!!!

I'll give the lad a ring tomorrow and see what he can do and get a list/thread on the go.

i'd be interested in this group buy mate:smile:

also send my condolences to you and poor nicole:worried: hopefully your thumb does get better sharpish mate
Will tell me about it hope you get it sorted soon mate just for your sanity it drives you made
What the giving you pain killer wise???

Just given me Narpoxen 500MG (off the top of my head), more an anti-inflammatory but they're huge!!! :blush:mg:

There's some emergency Tramadol in the cupboard though just incase...

Mate I feel your pain, broke both my wrists about 3 weeks after finding out about masturbation.........haha

Anyway hope you get better soon mate. Bet that hurt a bit to

Hahahahaha now that's bad luck!!!

Yeah, it wasn't the nicest thing I've felt... Imagine the feeling you get when you bend your thumb/fingers back but rather than it being a short, sharp split-second of pain it was more like 5 hours of that same pain. :thumbdown: Luckily it's eased off a fair bit now and there's some feeling and dexterity back in the rest of my hand/fingers now too. I'm not going to last two weeks of this, I'll go mad hahaha!!!

As soon as I can grip the wheel without pain, I'm off around the block. :wink:

Coincidence? :jump1:


i'd be interested in this group buy mate:smile:

also send my condolences to you and poor nicole:worried: hopefully your thumb does get better sharpish mate

Cheers mate!!! That's four of us already, so I'll see what he says...
Why was you unblocking a hydraulic ram with your fingers :blush:mg:

Sounds nasty anyway, bet you wont be doing that again in a hurry lol
My wife its on Tramadol, proper good stuff, although when I got given it in hospital I had a fit, couldn't drive for 6 weeks until i'd been to the 'first fit' clinic at the neuro-sciences dept. Had a few tests to make sure I want epileptic then told I could drive again. Longest 6 weeks of my life.
The injuries are coming thick and fast.

I went to germany friday for a lads weekend, after a great meal in the pistonklause sunday night my, what i thought was a cold/sore throat turned nasty and i could hardly breathe, ended up in hospital in adanau with Pneumonia, pumped full of fluids and anti biotics i had to discharge myself so i could come home with the lads yesterday.

My doctor says it's probably more of a bad chest infection but i'm on the big tablets too :blink:

Nice and warm now, no more -14 in the night.
Well, most of the movement has returned to my hand/wrist and the swelling has dropped a little but it still hurts like a b@st@rd.

I'm taking the bandage off tomorrow to see what state it's in and see how I manage for a few hours, if it makes me pass out then I'll go back to A&E. :smiley:

Why was you unblocking a hydraulic ram with your fingers :blush:mg:

The guard that was meant to be there to stop them jamming wasn't there and the ram had locked in place... Saying that, only 2 of the 20 trucks we've got have still got the guard on them because they end up getting wrecked over time. It's very difficult to explain without having photos etc. to hand to be honest, the rams operate a lift (think of a Biffa bin truck) and the card had managed to get in the way and trigger a cut-out switch. £££££ :smiley:

My wife its on Tramadol, proper good stuff, although when I got given it in hospital I had a fit, couldn't drive for 6 weeks until i'd been to the 'first fit' clinic at the neuro-sciences dept. Had a few tests to make sure I want epileptic then told I could drive again. Longest 6 weeks of my life.

Tramadol is mad, I've been hard and not downed any yet!!! :smiley:

The injuries are coming thick and fast.

I went to germany friday for a lads weekend, after a great meal in the pistonklause sunday night my, what i thought was a cold/sore throat turned nasty and i could hardly breathe, ended up in hospital in adanau with Pneumonia, pumped full of fluids and anti biotics i had to discharge myself so i could come home with the lads yesterday.

My doctor says it's probably more of a bad chest infection but i'm on the big tablets too :blink:

Nice and warm now, no more -14 in the night.

Not good that Wayne, blanket and TV for you for the next few weeks mate.

Haha!!!! Nah mate drive my pedal bike in to the front of a dahitsu fourtrak lol

Hahahahaha sorry but I bet that was awesome to see!!! :smiley:

Sat here watching American Pie 2, thought I'd take the bandage off instead of waiting until the morning. I should've known and stopped really when it started hurting as I unraveled the bandage, but I carried on regardless. So, I have a bruise from the tip of my thumb all the way across the pad of my palm (Thenar region, where the Dr thought could be poorly) and onto my wrist...

The other side of my wrist is also bruised, added to this is the fact that this morning I discovered what feels like bone floating around near the kncukle for my little finger and the fact that I have what looks like half a 5P under my skin on the outside edge of my wrist, oh and the fact that my entire hand is still swollen and a bit fuzzy. Basically, I'd say it's f?cked. :smiley:

Hospital for breakfast then.
Hahahahaha I've got some on my phone, will pop them on if I put them on the laptop!!!

It's actually a lot better this morning, I had a nice lie in and a proper shower for the first time in over a week. It's still not really the right colour nor is it the right size but the initial uber pain from last night seems to have eased up a fair bit. So, I didn't bother with the hospital, I'll just play it by ear I think...

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