Ok last time..

the more and more I read the more I know my car has been modified in the past..

I have three examples off hand..

1: the holes are there for the cup spoiler (they now have rivets in place..)
2: there are stone chips at the bottom of both rear quarters meaning spacers on the fronts at least!
3: the air-box left handside clip is broken which means the filter was changed (I know this because I broke my old one in the exact same way!)


the last time I'll ask but does anyone know who owned or have pics of how Mr RenaultSport Clio F1 #133 used to look? (hopfully not attached to a tree or hedge) the reg is OE07URS
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Tbh mate, my car has stone chips on the rear quarter, at the bottom on the arches. I'm looking in to making some mudflaps to help prevent it. So I wouldn't be too hung up over it. The clip on the air box could have been done by a Renault mechanic, they're not the best in world lets face it! Lol! As long as the car drives as it should and was good enough to buy then I wouldn't worry.
So are there holes in the boot lid at the top from the cup spoiler? Not sure why someone would remove it just to sell it tbh.
The only thing that strikes me as odd is the fact that someone has removed the cup spoiler and left holes all over it.

I would want them filled and painted.
yeah I will be getting the cup spoiler and etc. Its not bothering me so to speak in all honesty its what the cars built for! I'd like to see how it looked before making any changes to see if its worth reverting back or not lol :smile:
I think the chips on the rear quarters would happen regardless of whether spacers were fitted or not. It just goes with territory of having flared arches unfortunately.

I remember Golf Rallyes were the same back in the day
The number doesnt ring a bell, we did have a load of the R27's listed but they were all lost when some hacker/virus messed the site up :worried:
ye so I heard :worried: no one happens to have an old copy of the database? would be nice to go through and see if I can get any of the info back! J3FVW that's true.. I guess I'm just over thinking it!
unfortunately not, by pure bad luck about the same time it happened my hard drive went pop and I last the excel list I had. I'll do a double check to see if I have another copy somewhere. I did list all RS add ons
I can also confirm that the rear quarters on mine are chipped to, seems to be a common thing! ive also not had spacers on mine
thanks will.. any way to protect it ? its really bad atm.. tried a wet sand and buff to get them out but they are too deep.. lots of white marks :worried:
right this might sound really strange. ive seen this stuff that you can just stick on ure car like a sticky back plastic and it protects its from chips.

im frantically scowring the web to try and find what its called.

maybe i dreamed it lol . . . .. . . . . please some1 save me from insanity and find it for me lol
right this might sound really strange. ive seen this stuff that you can just stick on ure car like a sticky back plastic and it protects its from chips.

im frantically scowring the web to try and find what its called.

maybe i dreamed it lol . . . .. . . . . please some1 save me from insanity and find it for me lol

No your not going mad, its a clear film that protects the paint. Lots of companies offer this service now.


I wish I had mine done from new, pointless apply it over chips but once you get them sorted then it will keep the paint like new.
unfortunately not, by pure bad luck about the same time it happened my hard drive went pop and I last the excel list I had. I'll do a double check to see if I have another copy somewhere. I did list all RS add ons


I think we should hack RUK's computer system, or the DVLA database and just publish all the information on here?????