200: Oh dear, oh dear

Found a video on YouTube of the "wheel" incident.

it could be lots of things... but by the sounds of it, if this car is a demo car the wheels have been on and off a fews times.which could of led to the nuts to fatigue and work loose.

one tip when torquing your wheels is to stop as soon as you hear the first click of the torque wrench, otherwise you can over torque the nuts and damage them! never use a breaker bar or similar to tighten your wheels nuts, get a proper torque wrench (Y)
You say that... But if the wheels have paint where the wheel bolts sit like a lot of oem wheel I've seen then the wheel get hot the paint melts and the bolts loosen up.

Doesn't matter how much you torque them if that happens.

I've seen this happen more than once. And it's not just the paint in the conical seat for the nuts but also on the rear mounting face of the wheel where the hub assembly touches the wheel.

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