Noise when i let off the throttle?

cheers thanks for that i will have a gander when i have a chance which may not be til next weekend,
it does sound like an airy/plasticy noise i shouldn't have even described it as a 'knock' really, its a high pitched 'pop' kind of knocking, a clonk :huh:

its definitely o/s/f but sometimes sounds from low down deep in the driver footwell & when its really cold i hear it higher in the engine bay, or maybe just louder so it seems higher
if i had to guess id say some kind of clutch/master cylinder noise because its from that area, related to gear engaging/engine braking & only happens in low gears

my stereo also doesn't seem to like -3c, it wont even switch on until the car heats up a bit, im going to reseat all the cables when i check out this knocking noise, hopefully the cold snap lasts well into next week so i can test it all
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