Noise at end of revs?

I've noticed the last few days that if I take the car upto the shift light in 2nd and 3rd (not tried other gears) there is a noise during gear change. The only way to describe the noise is its like having a dump/ recirc valve?

Any ideas? Other than the the car runs great.
Do a search, it's been covered a few times on here but I can't remember what it is off the top of my head...
Wow I've got this as well - what is this acoustic valve and what is the solution to get rid of the noise?

The black 'trumpet' on the nearside of the engine bay, put a finger up it (ooo err missus) and you'll feel the butterfly valve. It's vacuum controlled so it shuts (I think) above a certain RPM.

You can just remove it, supposedly in the Renault bumf it's part of the design to reduce noise at low revs.
The black 'trumpet' on the nearside of the engine bay, put a finger up it (ooo err missus) and you'll feel the butterfly valve. It's vacuum controlled so it shuts (I think) above a certain RPM.

You can just remove it, supposedly in the Renault bumf it's part of the design to reduce noise at low revs.

other way - opens at higher revs....

the valve is closed upto 4000rpm, then it opens. i just removed the vacuum hose to the solenoid and blanked the pipe off, so its open all the while, also fed a cold air feed from lower in the bumper to the valve