New Member

Stickers from here are a nice touch, I put mine at the front of the window.

Thanks fella. Still a fair bit of work on it to do an I need to invest I'm some decent polish to get the hairline scratches out but don't know what to use. Any suggestions from people are welcome :smile:

Late reply, but better late than never.

I quite like AG SRP for small swirls by hand. If you have a machine there are some better options.
Stickers from here are a nice touch, I put mine at the front of the window.

Late reply, but better late than never.

I quite like AG SRP for small swirls by hand. If you have a machine there are some better options.
I had a go with some standard turtle wax white today. Thought as I have a polishing machine I'd give it a go. Baaaaaaad choice. Pain in the butt doesn't cut it. Looks half decent but my word it took ages to do an a pain to buff out the wax even with an electric buffer. I'll give the ag a go though
Stay clear of electric buffers :tongueout:Just some AG with a polishing pad works well for marks. Check out some nice guides on there.
I used my electric buffer on my old red 197 an used demon shine an it licked awesome so thought some turtle wax with it would be better. I will never make the mistake again. I'll get on the ag an buy a decent pad next time. Thanks fella

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