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Hi all - been the owner of a 'racing blue' RS clio cup 200 for about 2 months now
Is it me or why do i feel like a 'outcast' in owning this car?
On another certain forum im a member of (no names) the 200 gets nowt but abuse!!
Im well aware of the fuel comp issues but truth is this car brings nowt but a smile to my face!! Ive also owned in thf past 4 VW GTI'S and 2 A3's - the 200's fuel comp aint that bad (all depends on your right boot!)
Please give me a warm welcome from fellow RS owners!!! (or is it me who totally loves the RSClio??)
:welcome: to the site dude! I think I know what forum you are talking about as I had the same, but we'll leave that there lol.

We are a small friendly bunch on here :smile:
Haha welcome, you won't get stick here mate. And at the end of the day nobody buys a rsclio with mpg in mind... It's just a great hot hatch that leaves a massive smile on your face.
And as long as our enjoying it then nobody else matters lol
Haha welcome, you won't get stick here mate. And at the end of the day nobody buys a rsclio with mpg in mind... It's just a great hot hatch that leaves a massive smile on your face.
And as long as Your enjoying it then nobody else matters lol

You left the 'Y' out their Tom, corrected for you.

Yeah man, you'll have a warm welcome over on here!!

Get some photos up of your car dude
Welcome to the site fella, glad to have you on board with such a fine motor... No prizes for guessing which forum you are on about, im guessing its the one with the bad attitude keyboard warriors that only like one type of car with only certain mods....

Anyway would be good to see some pics :smile:
Lol at the c and s referance and yes thats the one!
All they seem to do is slag the 197/200!
Cheers for the welcome and will put some pics soon
Its because all them lot have is 1.2s with fluroescent wheels, sticker bombed bonnets and sat on their arses!

Where as the 197/200 owners tend to mod a little more tastfully as they know that their cars are pretty much spot on from the factory :wink:

Thats why they slate us...jealousy is a horrible thing.

:welcome: to the site mate, we're a friendly bunch on here.

TBH People slag the 200 because it gets so much praise everywhere else. Its either Trolling or jealousy most of the time. The MPG does suck, but lets face it... it sucks on ANY performance car!
welcome! Love the 200, if I could afford to have one as a 2nd car i'd do it in a heartbeat. Always loved my 197 but took a 200 for a test drive once and personally thought it was on another level!

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