New from scotland

hi all, joined the site about a week ago for a look about, but now that iv bought my clio i thought id say hello.

car is a racing blue 197 FF, picked it up on monday night and i absolutely love it, drives like nothing iv ever driven before. only thing i miss about my old car ( fabia VRS ) is the fuel economy, 60mpg when taking it easy but have to say when giving it some there isnt really much of a diffrence and the clio is much more fun.

will post up a few pics soon
cheers for the welcome guys, not really had much time to be on here, would love to say iv been too busy enjoying the car but sadly iv been working constantly, searching and buying parts to get one of my other cars back on the road and more working
im from down in largs chris
well i finally got some time off work and had time to enojoy the clio and get a few pics. and here she is







almost 100% standard just tinted windows and a powerflow exhaust

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