New advice on company car & keeping the 197.

TBH though, on the point of the Elise, I can definitely see where you are coming from. But if you need to pick a few mates up and go down the pub, it's better to have the Clio. Plus you can go on holiday in it and enjoy the drive there as much as the holiday. You can rag it down to Sainsbury's then put the shopping in the boot! The Clio is a great fun car to have if you're only using it for fun.

Which is the reason why I sold mine, the 'fun' bit became few and far between and I wanted something a bit more lazy. I only drive my car on the weekends now because I have a work van (only used for work so I don't get taxed anything) and after a long week of running up and down people staircases in and out of airing cupboards, standing or kneeling on kitchen work tops looking at broken boilers, it's nice to have a comfy turbo to put your foot down in! Lol! I do a lot of work in the summer at the weekends, totally unrelated to fixing boilers, so even then I wasn't doing much fun driving in the Clio.

But if you have the time to enjoy it, and perhaps a less physically demanding job, I can't really think of a better fun car. If you can afford it mate, I don't blame you for keeping it.
Its each to their own of course. As for.your points Arrant, I would be taking the company car to the supermarket, etc and definitely wouldn't have mates in the back of a weekend toy. How much were you planning on buyimg though that you couldnt fit it in an Elise or Boxster? Another perspective is that a bot hatch will always be a compromise between practicality and performance, if you have another car then why does your toy need to be compromised with 4 seats, hatchback, etc.?

Following on from Litchy's point at the moment I have sorn'd the Clio and am smoking around in a 170k Focus 1.6 with winter tyres. I can park it where I want and am not hugely.bothered if it gains a bit of character. It would be annoying yes, but wouldn't affect the value of the car. In a way it is quite liberating to have a car which does not dictate my actions the way the Clio did. I own it, it doesn't own me.

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