need help for revenge !!

im a third year student at university and since begining 3 years ago me and my mates have always had a prank or two to play on each other usually involving cars, well i woke up this morning with my r27 wrapped in cling film. tbh it was a lot of effort for them todrive to my house at 2 am and do it and it took me 5 seconds to undo... however i need to return the favour but am out of ideas.

any one know of ne ideas? taking into account im no vandal and i know how id feel if my car got wrecked so nothin perminent

White pepper in the air vents!

Put it on axle stands!

Shampoo filled condom on each door handle!

Selotape porn to the passenger side, or rear (whichever they're least likely to see when getting in)

Get a set of plates made (IM G4Y) or similar, bit dodgy if they drive anywhere but funny as hell.

If you have access to the inside, get a large pillowcase on the steering to look like the airbag has popped.
get the bit out of a hole punch and pour it down the air vents.
kipper in the engine bay.

^ pillow case is genius
tin foil is too easy to rip off, i may have to just keep planning and take an oppurtunity on the weekend away at the french car show
It depends what tin foil, if you use the thick stuff it rips your hands to shreads..... so maybe not the best prank lol
If your going to a show, it has to be the number plates!!!!! Think of the possibility of a mag picture of a c2 with BUM LUV on the plate lol
i think the show is the best time as he has got a impresive c2 which he has alot of pride in. now i just have to ditch him for long enough to do what i want lol will ne one stop me doing this at the fcs?
right soo get some show plates made up and hope his car is featured on the web or in a mag with a nice new plate altho his actual plate is K3UNT so can i actually get something worse than that