My bitches birthday.


CLIO CUP groupee.
Platinum Member
She was three yesterday so i treated her to a new pair of skirts.

Had to wipe her bottom before fitting them for her but i think it was worth it.




Over the past week she's had front splitter fitted, fog light blanks and i trial fitted the cup spoiler before painting but it's still in the paint booth, buffing and fitting will take place first thing in the morning before setting off for silverstone for the BTCC test day.

I'll get more pics when it's fitted and cleaned.
Ooh! Every time I see those skirts I want some.

How difficult are they to fit? Do I need to drill into the skirts?
Piece of cake to fit, if you can get the drill under the car.

Mate has an hydraulic lift but putting it on there stops you getting at the skirts so had to improvise, driving up the planks from my pit to get the height i needed then had to buy a new pop rivit gun as the one i had is one of those concetena (sp) type and far to long to get underneath.

Three screws out of the original skirts, drill three holes (pre marked) and screw three longer screws in, this has it lined up then drill and fit 9 pop rivits each side then using two clever bits of plastic to line up a lug into the side of the original skirt and it's on, job done :thumbsup:
Loved these for a longtime anyone know where i can get them at a reasonable price ?

Speak to Carl on here "twingogeek" i ordered some of him last year for about £230 (i think)

As for anything from Renault the finish on these is crap. Loads of injection molding bubble marks and one of the skirts was about an inch longer than the other. OP also mentions that you fit a lug into the side of the original skirt. To do this you do need to drill a hole in it so to remove the skirts in the future you will be left with a visible hole.

They look amazing but up close the finish is poor and the fit is dreadful. The way the trailing edge of the section that flicks up is attached is shocking. IMO

Best of putting the money towards an exhaust or some coilovers. i got some projector headlights and HID kit for the same money.
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