197: Must Have This Exhaust...


The Gatekeeper
Platinum Member
Great little video and even better soundtrack. Crank it up to eleven, sit back and enjoy...

Hahaha oh I could!!! :smiley:

I don't use the radio anyway, all they do on my cars is fill a hole in the dash. :smiley:
Not one good launch from the lights though. Shows just how hard these things are to get going.
Renaultsport R3 system.

Round about £1100 all in. Major rip off considering it's only SS, I can make one for less than 1/4 of that.
Willis, you make a thread about 'not modding cars' then post porn like this! How are people supposed to NOT mod their cars after watching things like this. You're like a drug dealer who runs a rehab centre! :smile:
It does sound awesome I'll give you that.

Cant help think though that the cams help it in sounding so good.

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