Long term fuel trim


Paid Member
What should our long term fuel trims be sitting at? Mines currently 14% which i think means underfueling. Clio 197 stock.
mine is the same and my short term trims are all over the place!
i tried to find out what the cause was but i could not pin point it to any one thing and im not in the habbit of replacing things for the sake of it to try and rule stuff out so ive decided to leave it and see if it gets worse.

on a side note i recently checked the fuel trims on a friends 200 and his was the complete opposite with a -fuel trim in the teens and also had wild short term trims.
Bump for old thread.
Do you know if vacuum leaks in Clio197 will cause lean condition? (high long term fuel trim1).
After all, our cars are map controlled.
This seems to be dark magic in renault community, if you ask BMW club about fuel trims there is so much knowledge and experience for typical situations with LTFT + STFT trims.