K and N filter.

Which one? The panel filers are a direct replacement. A cone filter requires a bit more work and things like a smaller battery (see the current group buy for a Varley red top).

Edit: should have said it takes a smaller battery to do it properly with an enclosed cone filter. If its not enclosed due to its location in the engine bay it can suffer badly from heat soak and all the negative things that brings.
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Just go direct replacement/panel filter.

I've got K&n, the quality is great.
In high revs and especially on full throttle..
Example...2200 rpm, full throttle, it seems to me that flying from 2500 rpm and on is more soundly than with standard panel filter..
Yeah high revs maybe 6000+ it's loud like a sucking sound .. Does grumble a fair bit lower down too! I bought mine with the k&n on but would like to drive a standard one to see the difference