Just noticed...


Platinum Member
Platinum Member
Both Willis and Roy have gone offline since I told them 'nuns with big guns' is on the horror channel in half an hour or so....

Will asked me the start time!!
Roys gone to finish polishing his nuts mate hahaha!!!

I've been off getting something to eat ready to settle down. :smiley:
Hey, it's not just me, Mr.F is just as bad for his toilet past-times!!! :smiley:
319 horror channel

Nuns with big guns

I'm taking no responsibility whatsoever as to the quality or quantity of nuns that are well armed or not, or to the likely poor quality of this film
To be fair, I am actually looking forward to this. Sometimes you can't beat a bit of low budget sh!t. :smiley:
We've got the build up by Emily booth starting, time to free up a hand I think
It's the adverts mate, time to get some food and drink and the kitchen roll!!! :smiley: