197: Its just keeps getting better

22 mpg on average since jan. But on a recent run to nurbrgring on july it went up to 30 mpg after 1235 mls and now has settled to about 27 mpg
Lmao at you lot talking about cruising in a hot hatch with an engine thats designed to be used above 5000 rpm, the aim of the mpg indicator is to get it as low as possible!!!, the lower the number the happier the driver, it's what the car was made for..... ;-)
Smiles per Mile, not Miles per Gallon.

I drove 6.9Miles since filling up this afternoon and managed a whopping 18.1MPG courtesy of the local Cheshire lanes. :smiley:
I have had a couple of high 30's tanks, though the computer seldom reads over about 34.

Check out this range though;


That photo is hilarious!!! Love the speed, and the whole taking a pic thing :wink:

My average over 1172 gallons since I have owned the car is 30,1MPG.

The lowest reading I had from a tank was 21,7 MPG and the highest was 35,7 MPG - so you are doing pretty well :smile:
I've tried but couldn't get it to average under 10mpg over a tank, 10.4 I think in the end....
I got my average down to 12.1 @ Cadwell but that was the best.

Mike - I had just filled up and was coasting downhill, if I stopped to take the pic the range would have gone down!