Italy - Piemonte meet

I understand you now. Thats not very good though is it. Surely if you can prove that the harnesses are installed correctly you should be allowed?
Unfortunately in italy there are not many omologated things tyo do at the car..
also the aftermarket steering wheels is not ok (there is not the airgab..)

but i'll use r3 steering wheel and the harnesses only for track so i will not have problems....

looks mint mate.what the white 197 lowered on?

which one mate?? :innocent:
there are 2 r27 and 1 197
probably split the room here but i LOVE, the roof scoop. Looks so hardcore. Do you know if its fully functional or is it just the external part?

You certainly had a good day by the looks of it. Good turnout.

So are airbags law in Italy? What happens to cars without airbags as standard?

yes, the heights is similar, the suspension not, mine are simple h&r ahahahah

but in track there is no difference at the moment, he need to make some miles for learn that suspension!

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