Interior Lighting Question

Hey guys ,

little query getting my 2007 '57' clio 197 f1 mid next week cant wait :thumbup:

but i am going to order a few things for it so when it arrives i can just change them such as all interior lighting / boot lights / registration lights would anyone give me a list of how many bulbs i need and what type. Im sure i read it in a thread before but cant quite find it

I recently changed all mine and they were all 501 type, but thats on a 200 not a 197 so not sure if there is a difference. I think it was 8 in total including the door and reg bulbs.
197 uses 501's too. Three in each above head spot lights, so 6. Plus 2 for the doors. 1 for the boot. So 9 interior. If you want to have them as ya sidelights and reg then add 4 to that figure. :smile:
Be careful though as my boot lights weren't 501s they were festoons and I know other 197 that have had different bulbs so it's best to check before you order.

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